Dermalogica Super Rich Repair

- 22 % Off
(16 Kundenbewertungen)


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Super Rich Repair ist die reichhaltigste und stärkste Feuchtigkeitscreme von Dermalogica. Es wirkt nicht nur beruhigend, feuchtigkeitsspendend und regenerierend, sondern wirkt auch als Schutzsalbe gegen extreme Kälte und trockene Umgebungsbedingungen.

free dermalogica exfoliation and hydration kit


Diese ultra-reichhaltige, hochkonzentrierte Feuchtigkeitspflege beruhigt und revitalisiert die chronisch trockene Haut und schützt sie nachhaltig vor äußeren Umwelteinflüssen.

Die Formel mit leistungsstarken Peptiden und einem säurefreien Glättungskomplex füllt den Feuchtigkeitsdepot auf, verbessert Elastizität und Spannkraft und macht die Haut widerstandsfähiger. Antioxidative Inhaltsstoffe schützen die Haut vor Schäden durch freie Radikale.

Vorteile von super rich repair

  • Allantoin hilft, die Haut zu beruhigen.
  • Füllt Barrierelipide wieder auf und spendet Feuchtigkeit.
  • Beruhigt und schützt die Haut gegen extreme Umwelteinflüsse.

Anwendung von super rich repair

Mit kreisenden Aufwärtsbewegungen auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Je nach Bedarf morgens und abends anwenden.

16 Bewertungen für Dermalogica Super Rich Repair

  1. FM

    fratczak mireille (Verified Purchaser)

    Une crЏme parfaite pour ces grands froid !! attention aux peaux grasses car cette crЏme est particuliЏrement riche !! Pour mon type de peau elle est parfaite la nuit et me donne le matin une jolie peau rebondie !!

  2. D


    Tried the tester and loved it! Will def buy this product in future. skin felt amazing after using this. So soft and hydrated. Very pleased.

  3. M

    mara (Verified Purchaser)

    Very good night cream, overall for dry skin as it’s quite heavy.
    My skin awakes smooth and hydrated. I would recommend it.

  4. N

    Newa (Verified Purchaser)

    This moisturizer has it all. It is so moisurizing that you dont need much other things for dry skin. The use is simple; less is more. I live in north of Europe where the weather is cold and windy so your skin needs extra rich cream and this moisturizer is just perfect. Some SPF would be good, but thats about all the missing things. Great buy if you would like to have a super rich day cream, also as a base for make up.

  5. TH

    tilly hagendoorn (Verified Purchaser)

    The most super product I use. I have tried different types of products for dry skin, but this is the best one! I can recommend it to everybody, especially after a certain you should use it.

  6. GM

    Geradts Marijke (Verified Purchaser)

    Fantastische crЏme!
    Trouwens alle producten van Dermalogica.

  7. MJ

    Mogensen Jeanett (Verified Purchaser)

    I have finally found a cream, which secures that the red and itching skin around nose and mouth is GONE! I am so happy 🙂

  8. SA

    Simu Anna (Verified Purchaser)

    Great product for very dry skin although in the coldest driest wintermonths I have to use a faceoil under the super rich repair.

  9. DA

    Dr. Arno Weiss (Verified Purchaser)

    Great product, my wife says. – Confirmed!

  10. S

    Sandi (Verified Purchaser)

    I bought this product after having face mapping as part of a Dermalogica treatment. It is a superb set of products and I do agree with some other reviewers that using the cream at night works extremely well

  11. CC

    Couwenberg Casparine (Verified Purchaser)

    my skin is very happy with this cream, specially in winter; I would recommend it to anyone whose skin is dehydrated. TOP!

  12. J

    Jeanett (Verified Purchaser)

    The only cream that soothes my skin and keeps irritation, itching and red skin away. A pleasant surprise to receive the cleansers at the same time

  13. DK

    Dunk Karin

    Ik heb de Super Rich Repair voor de nacht en voor overdag de Ultra Calming producten.
    Dit zijn de eerste producten die mijn overgevoelige rosacea huid onder controle houden.

  14. M

    Mel (Verified Purchaser)

    I’ve been using this product for over a year now and it has definitely become one that I cannot live without! Skin is visibly smoother and well moisturised even the following morning. I only use this as a night cream as it’s quite rich, but will also use it occasionally in winter during the day if my skin needs an extra boost!

  15. AN

    Andersen Nanna (Verified Purchaser)

    Super product:-)

  16. JN

    Julie Nelissen (Verified Purchaser)

    Great product, at 35 you certainly need that extra power to get your skin ready for the day overnight. I would only use it during the night as it is very rich.

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Dermalogica Super Rich Repair 50ml

Dermalogica Super Rich Repair

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